SJ1000 Action Cam DIY Chest Harness 9

SJ1000 Action Cam DIY Chest Harness
I built the SJ1000 action cam DIY chest harness after seeing a review of the SJ1000 at TechMoan. But before we get to the DIY chest harness lets get a little SJ1000 background. The SJ1000 is an amazing HD action cam that competes with cameras 3 times the price.  Price is one thing but it is ...

TI 99/4a games download: a walk down memory lane.

TI 99/4a games download: a walk down memory lane.
I was listening to the Mike Tech Show and he mentioned a TI 99/4a. He fired up the Win994a simulator and ran the extended basic cart. That blew me away I had no idea a simulator existed. So I went digging around in my basement because I knew I had at least one 5 1/4″ floppy ...

Bulk Storage of AA and AAA Batteries using an Ammo Box 17

Bulk Storage of AA and AAA Batteries using an Ammo Box
I have been using rechargeable batteries for 20+ years. We are finally to a point that AA and AAA have enough voltage, capacity and shelf life to use them as replacements for alkaline batteries. It use to be that with rechargeables you would have to recharge them before every use. Oh the wall clock is ...